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Healthy food pyramid

To know your fat people The experts in nutrition from the school of Harvard of public health have generated the healthy food pyramid. He is based on scientific test approximately the connections between the diet and the health. This healthy food pyramid is based on a foundation of daily control of weight and practice. These two reported elements influence your probabilities hard to remain know some. Moreover they interest what and as eaten and as to your it interests it food. The other groups in the healthy food pyramid include:

Entire alimony of grain (to the maximum meal): The best sources than carbohydrates are entire grains which the oatmeal, the bread of the entire grain and the sbramato rice. They transport the layers external (bran) and inner (of the germ) with starch energy-rich. The body cannot digest entire grains quickly as it can carbohydrates highly procedati which flour white woman. This maintains to the levels of the sugar and the insulin of spirit increasing, then falling too much quickly. The best control of the sugar of spirit and the insulin can maintain the hunger to the bay and can prevent to the development of type - diabetes 2.

Oils vegetables: The medium American obtains more third or of its daily calories from the fat people. In this pyramid, this is specifically oils vegetables, not all the types of fat person. The good sources of healthy unsaturated fat people include the olive, the canola, the soia, the maize, the sunflower, the peanut and other oils vegetables, thus like the fat fish which the salmoni. These healthy fat people not only improve the levels of cholesterol (once to feed to the place of carbohydrates highly procedati) but they can also protect the heart from the unexpected problems and potentially died them of rhythm.

Verdure (in the abundance) and yields (two - three times a day): The rich ones of diet in fruit and verdure can make to diminish the probabilities of having an attack or a blow of heart; protect from several cancers; blood pressure more lowland; aid avoided the diverticulitis and the protection against the cataract and the degeneration macular.

Fish, pollame and eggs (zero - two times a day): These are important protein sources. The search suggests that one to eat the fish can reduce the risk of heart disease. Pollo and the turkey is moreover good protein sources and can be low in saturated fat person. The eggs are moreover excellent protein sources. You can eat the egg white men liberally but maintain the red ones of egg to four to the week.

Dice and legumi (- three times a day): The dice and the legumi are excellent protein sources, fiber, the vitamins and the minerals. This includes the black fagioli, fagioli white men, ceci and other fagioli that are bought are dried. Many dice kinds contain the healthy fat people (almonds, walnuts, pecan, peanuts, nocciole and pistachio nuts) but they keep in mind that are moreover high in calories and that they would have to be eaten in the small amounts.

Supplement of soccer or the latteria (- two times a day): Bone of the construction and to maintain it to strong returns soccer, vitamin D, practice and much more. The products lattier-caseario have been traditionally principal source of the Americans of soccer. But there are other senses healthy to obtain soccer that from latte and cheese. If you enjoy the latticini, to try to attack with the products no-fat people or to lowland percentage of fat people. If not tolerated or like the products lattier-caseario, the soccer-enriched alimony are available, as, fortified juice of orange and latte of soia. The supplements of soccer moreover offer an other sense to obtain your daily soccer.

Red meat and butter (use with parsimony): These are based to the advanced part of the healthy food pyramid because they contain very fat saturated. If eaten the red meat every day, commutare to the fish or pollo the several times a week to improve the levels of cholesterol.

Rice white man, bread white man, potatoes, paste and cakies (use with parsimony): These transformed alimony is usually more lows in fiber and can cause a fast increase in spirit sugar.

Multiple vitamin: A multivitamin daily, supplement multimineral offers a sure nutrizionale assurance. While it cannot replace the healthy food, or compens to perare the difficult alimentary habits, the nourishing deficits can help that can even interest occasionally the mangiatori more competent.

Alcool (in the moderation): The moderation is clearly important, since the alcool has risks like the benefits thus. For the men, a good point of the equilibrium is - two drinks a day. For the women, a day is a drink.

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